Friday, January 18, 2008

Netscape IPO


A Beautiful Attitude
By; Quentin Hardy

First what's an IPO? To answer it: an IPO is an Inial Public Offering. Hence the acronym IPO. This is the first move that most young companies make to expand and get the capital they desire to put their plans into action. Although its not limmited to JUST small companies; some private owned buisnesses use IPo's too.

Netscape was "born at the dawn of the computer age." Precisely on April 4, 1994. The founders, Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark, released Mosaic Netscape 0.9 on October 13, 1994. They took on the name Netscape Navigator on November 14, 1994. And their first year was rather sucessful.

In 2003 however the Netscape group was disbanded. Everything that they had worked for was gone. But the Netscape Browser 7.0 was released the year after, on August 18, 2004.Their most recent version is 8.o

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