Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fall of the Berlin Wall (Revisited)

The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was part of the border that was proposed to prevent the mass exodus
to Western Germany. The residents of Eastern Germany were on a soviet-style planned economy(were the government controls the distribution of the profits) which made them eccedingly wealthy, but there freedoms were stripped. That's why they would go to Western Germany- for thier freedoms.
On April 1, 1952 East German leaders met with Stalin in Moscow, Russia to disscuss wether to teat the line between Eatern and Western Germany "a border and a Dangerous one at that."
The construction began in 1961. August 12, 1961 to be exact.
The wall was 96 miles long. The first one was made of barbed wire and rocks. The second one which is famous for falling was made of over 45,000 types of concrete.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did it come to be that there was an East Germany and a West Germany? How was the Jewish community involved in the building and the tearing down of the wall?
(Watch you grammar and spelling!)
