Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Saints and Aaron Glenn

By: New Orleans Saints
Aaron Glenn
By: WikiPedia.org
First things first... I love the Saints. They are the graetest team that I have ever had the pleasure of controlling on Madden's video games. Specifically the '07. All in all this is a VERY good move for the Saints. Glenn is happy because he gets to play foootball and gets paid to do so. A win-win for him. Not to mention that ALL the GOOD NFL analysis people say that they need a good Cornerback. And this has got to be a step in the right direction. Hopefully this year the Saints will actually make it to the Playoffs. That will make my like life if they won! That would be awesome.
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Jericho Project: What The Hell is it?!
Jericho- Our Approach
By: JerichoProject.org
During the Days of Respect at my school we had some people come and talk on various topics. The one that stuck out in my head was the one about The Jericho Project. For two reasons: my mom and dad being both. During the whole presentation I kept thinking:
"Hey this is a load of s***! I will never turn out like my parents cause I will be a success in my own way!"
Then one speaker said that a child that has parents that abuse drugs and/or alcohol is 60% MORE likely to abuse in his/her life than someone with parents that didn't abuse. then I was like:
" F***! I am at risk because of that little shithead of a father that spent my childhood in and out of rehab!"
with that in mind i actually paid a lot closer attention to what was coming gout of their mouths. Then I realized:
"What are the chances that my three brothers will abuse?"
I came to the realization that it varied from person to person and that I have to be as much of, or as little of, an influence in this category! I think that's why a lot of the people in the 80's and 90's abused because nobody in their family htat they looked up to resisted the temptation in abusing!
If you know someone that you think may be at risk of abusing follow this link! You may be able to help!
By: JerichoProject.org
During the Days of Respect at my school we had some people come and talk on various topics. The one that stuck out in my head was the one about The Jericho Project. For two reasons: my mom and dad being both. During the whole presentation I kept thinking:
"Hey this is a load of s***! I will never turn out like my parents cause I will be a success in my own way!"
Then one speaker said that a child that has parents that abuse drugs and/or alcohol is 60% MORE likely to abuse in his/her life than someone with parents that didn't abuse. then I was like:
" F***! I am at risk because of that little shithead of a father that spent my childhood in and out of rehab!"
with that in mind i actually paid a lot closer attention to what was coming gout of their mouths. Then I realized:
"What are the chances that my three brothers will abuse?"
I came to the realization that it varied from person to person and that I have to be as much of, or as little of, an influence in this category! I think that's why a lot of the people in the 80's and 90's abused because nobody in their family htat they looked up to resisted the temptation in abusing!
If you know someone that you think may be at risk of abusing follow this link! You may be able to help!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Killswitch Engage
Killswitch Engage
By: Wikipedia.org
Biography( click "biography" on the right)
By: Killswitch Engage
I owe the turn on to my friend Liz! This band became famous after their album The End of Heartache
The thing I found the most shocking is that the singer is actually African American. Now reading this you may be thinking:
"So what?! Look at Akon!"
And this is where I say:
"Look at Akon! He's in Rap music! Not metalcore!"
The first song that i heard by KsE was Self revolution which was followed by Fixation on the Darkness! All in all KsE is a unique band much like Avenged Sevenfold.
Okay. So. KsE was formed by two members of two seperate and disbanded bands. The singer of one is now the singer in Shadows Fall.
I'll be perfectly honest this IS a good band but in my opinion A7X is MUCH better! Like worlds!So KsE was signed to Roadrunner records. And to my knowledge still are! The thing that's awesome about ksE is that they are going to stick with Roadrunner Rec. That's what I will do when I make it famous! Stick with them!
By: Wikipedia.org
Biography( click "biography" on the right)
By: Killswitch Engage

The thing I found the most shocking is that the singer is actually African American. Now reading this you may be thinking:
"So what?! Look at Akon!"
And this is where I say:
"Look at Akon! He's in Rap music! Not metalcore!"
The first song that i heard by KsE was Self revolution which was followed by Fixation on the Darkness! All in all KsE is a unique band much like Avenged Sevenfold.
Okay. So. KsE was formed by two members of two seperate and disbanded bands. The singer of one is now the singer in Shadows Fall.
I'll be perfectly honest this IS a good band but in my opinion A7X is MUCH better! Like worlds!So KsE was signed to Roadrunner records. And to my knowledge still are! The thing that's awesome about ksE is that they are going to stick with Roadrunner Rec. That's what I will do when I make it famous! Stick with them!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Myspace And Suicide
Annals of Crime
By: Lauren Collins
Ah... well MySpace. Well.... uhhh.... Damn.
Bottom line its not okay to terrorize a kid online because your kid had a fight with him or her. If they're so pathetic as to not be adults and handle it as such then they shouldn't be allowed to... well... DO ANYTHING!!
First and foremost I have to give my opinion and give facts in my own words. But This is so flipping crazy!
So there was a girl, Megan Meier, and she had a good friend who lived down the street form her. Apparently, Megan's friend's parents heard that they were in the middle of a quarrel. So them, being the parents of the year( that was sarcasm), wanted to do something to snipe at the offender. So they also being geniuses decide to make a fake name on myspace. "But trying on identities is, in the fluid environment of the Internet, a riskier experiment than raiding mom's makeup bag." (pg.1; Annals of Crime) The fact of the matter is that I hate parents that can't pick on their own kids and cause shit like this!
By: Lauren Collins
Ah... well MySpace. Well.... uhhh.... Damn.
Bottom line its not okay to terrorize a kid online because your kid had a fight with him or her. If they're so pathetic as to not be adults and handle it as such then they shouldn't be allowed to... well... DO ANYTHING!!
First and foremost I have to give my opinion and give facts in my own words. But This is so flipping crazy!
So there was a girl, Megan Meier, and she had a good friend who lived down the street form her. Apparently, Megan's friend's parents heard that they were in the middle of a quarrel. So them, being the parents of the year( that was sarcasm), wanted to do something to snipe at the offender. So they also being geniuses decide to make a fake name on myspace. "But trying on identities is, in the fluid environment of the Internet, a riskier experiment than raiding mom's makeup bag." (pg.1; Annals of Crime) The fact of the matter is that I hate parents that can't pick on their own kids and cause shit like this!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Avenged Sevenfold!!
Avenged Sevenfold
By: Wikipedia.com
Disorderly Conduct
By: Jenny Eliscu
For the record i love this band and the first time I heard them was on MTV. That song was Beast And The Harlot.
Anyways they are a band out of Huntington Beach, CA. At first they were a group of four. It was Zacky Vengeance, Matt Shadows, The Rev( Formerly The Reverend Theolomew Plauge), and Demon Ash( replaced by Johnny Christ). Then Demon Ash had to leave and Avenged was on tour so then Johnny stepped in. that was for Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. The first time. The version that i have is the one that Synyster Gates was on.. at least the first track... At this point thy're a group of five. Johnny, Matt, The Rev, Zacky, and Syn. So Johnny wasn't on the bill yet. and eventually he won them over or something happened, and he's the permenent bassist. So around this time Waking the Fallen was taking form in matt's mind. Their first (and only) REAL hit was Unholy Confessions. So that CD was a huge sucess! that's when Warner Bros. Records was starting to look at them. Then came City of Evil. And then i became a fan with Beast and the Harlot. Now they have their self titled and self produced album out.
Good stuff!
By: Wikipedia.com
Disorderly Conduct
By: Jenny Eliscu
For the record i love this band and the first time I heard them was on MTV. That song was Beast And The Harlot.
Anyways they are a band out of Huntington Beach, CA. At first they were a group of four. It was Zacky Vengeance, Matt Shadows, The Rev( Formerly The Reverend Theolomew Plauge), and Demon Ash( replaced by Johnny Christ). Then Demon Ash had to leave and Avenged was on tour so then Johnny stepped in. that was for Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. The first time. The version that i have is the one that Synyster Gates was on.. at least the first track... At this point thy're a group of five. Johnny, Matt, The Rev, Zacky, and Syn. So Johnny wasn't on the bill yet. and eventually he won them over or something happened, and he's the permenent bassist. So around this time Waking the Fallen was taking form in matt's mind. Their first (and only) REAL hit was Unholy Confessions. So that CD was a huge sucess! that's when Warner Bros. Records was starting to look at them. Then came City of Evil. And then i became a fan with Beast and the Harlot. Now they have their self titled and self produced album out.
Good stuff!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Wireless Technology
What is Wireless Technology?
By: Cites.UIUC.Edeu.com
Wireless Technology Changing Work And Play
By: Jason White; CNN
The main focus of both articles is the fact humans have become relyant on wireless technology to entertain, communicate, and do their work. The CNN article focuses on one man's thriving job- and his dissatisfaction with his life. The definition of wireless tech though is what you think it is tech to go. While its nothing like McDonald's it is portable. Not like the computer that I used to type this post. As with anything we (as humans) come up with there are limitations to what we can and cannot do. In the Cites article, they tell you straight up what the f*** wireless tech is. My own example would be the iPhone. Its a cell phone, an iPod, and a computer McDonald's style. That is To Go. the best part is that you can use them all you want and not gain weight! Awesome! Now the bad part- drawbacks. Wireless Networks aren't a natural thing. Meaning that the Wireless internet that you may or may not use on your laptop has its restrictions too. like if it gets too far from the provider then it gets slower. That's a drag, non pas? But you can take it anywhere. A definite bonus. S the question i have is: Efficenent or Portable?
By: Cites.UIUC.Edeu.com
Wireless Technology Changing Work And Play
By: Jason White; CNN
The main focus of both articles is the fact humans have become relyant on wireless technology to entertain, communicate, and do their work. The CNN article focuses on one man's thriving job- and his dissatisfaction with his life. The definition of wireless tech though is what you think it is tech to go. While its nothing like McDonald's it is portable. Not like the computer that I used to type this post. As with anything we (as humans) come up with there are limitations to what we can and cannot do. In the Cites article, they tell you straight up what the f*** wireless tech is. My own example would be the iPhone. Its a cell phone, an iPod, and a computer McDonald's style. That is To Go. the best part is that you can use them all you want and not gain weight! Awesome! Now the bad part- drawbacks. Wireless Networks aren't a natural thing. Meaning that the Wireless internet that you may or may not use on your laptop has its restrictions too. like if it gets too far from the provider then it gets slower. That's a drag, non pas? But you can take it anywhere. A definite bonus. S the question i have is: Efficenent or Portable?
Friday, February 1, 2008
By: Wikipedia.com
What is Insourcing?
By: Whatis.TechTarget.com
Insourcing is as the name suggests, the opposite of out sourcing. Another way of putting it would be contracting in. Normally a company would make a contract outside of itself. I.E. if Apple gave Google a contract saying that Google could upload music to a page and include it in their music page. But Google would give Apple fifty percent of its revenues from tracks downloaded from that particular page. However if Apple decided to say... give the contract to the branch of their own company I.E the part that handles the webpages. Then the main part of the company could take a part of the profits and let the branch use the rest to improve and repair the system.
By: Wikipedia.com
What is Insourcing?
By: Whatis.TechTarget.com
Insourcing is as the name suggests, the opposite of out sourcing. Another way of putting it would be contracting in. Normally a company would make a contract outside of itself. I.E. if Apple gave Google a contract saying that Google could upload music to a page and include it in their music page. But Google would give Apple fifty percent of its revenues from tracks downloaded from that particular page. However if Apple decided to say... give the contract to the branch of their own company I.E the part that handles the webpages. Then the main part of the company could take a part of the profits and let the branch use the rest to improve and repair the system.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Supply Chain
Supply Chain
By: Wikipedia.com
What is Supply Chain Management
By: Techtarget.com
First off a supply chain is how a company obtains the raw materials it needs to manufacture a product and then sending it to the consumer. This is also called a logistics network. And NO! There isn't a difference! I checked... The whole baisis for this is to satisfy an online order.
The weird thing is that most companies say that they already have them assembled!
By: Wikipedia.com
What is Supply Chain Management
By: Techtarget.com
First off a supply chain is how a company obtains the raw materials it needs to manufacture a product and then sending it to the consumer. This is also called a logistics network. And NO! There isn't a difference! I checked... The whole baisis for this is to satisfy an online order.
The weird thing is that most companies say that they already have them assembled!
Off Shoring
By: Wikipedia.com
What Is OffShoring
By: Sourcingmag.com
OffShoring describes the relocation of buisness processess from one country to another. Okay I totally copied what wikipedia said but, its a complicated subject!
In my own words: its when a company takes product and tries to move across seas.
One of the big countries in this category is... China. Wait. China? My history teacher said that China ids an underdeveloped country... Hmmm.... Maybe they're not so underdevloped as we thought? On the topic, offshoring is commonly done to save money and the company often offshores to a country where they can do what they want at a lower cost. Interesting, huh?
Sourcingmag.com says that its a type of outsourcing... hmmm... I got it! Maybe its both! Ha! But maybe its not... Ohhh...
By: Wikipedia.com
What Is OffShoring
By: Sourcingmag.com
OffShoring describes the relocation of buisness processess from one country to another. Okay I totally copied what wikipedia said but, its a complicated subject!
In my own words: its when a company takes product and tries to move across seas.
One of the big countries in this category is... China. Wait. China? My history teacher said that China ids an underdeveloped country... Hmmm.... Maybe they're not so underdevloped as we thought? On the topic, offshoring is commonly done to save money and the company often offshores to a country where they can do what they want at a lower cost. Interesting, huh?
Sourcingmag.com says that its a type of outsourcing... hmmm... I got it! Maybe its both! Ha! But maybe its not... Ohhh...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Out Sourcing
Out Sourcing
By: wikipedia.com
What Is Out Sourcing
By: WiseGeek.com
Out Sourcing is what a large company does to reduce the cost of their sevices. I.E. help the numbers that they put on your cell phone bills. we think that we're talking to smeone in... Sacramento... when we're really talking to someone in the Philipines (that's JUST an example).
Most of the time its done because the minimum wage is lower in that country. So... its ALL about money. The way that I see it: its human resource expliotation. The companies don't even have to provide benefits to the workers... NOT FAIR!!!
By: wikipedia.com
What Is Out Sourcing
By: WiseGeek.com
Out Sourcing is what a large company does to reduce the cost of their sevices. I.E. help the numbers that they put on your cell phone bills. we think that we're talking to smeone in... Sacramento... when we're really talking to someone in the Philipines (that's JUST an example).
Most of the time its done because the minimum wage is lower in that country. So... its ALL about money. The way that I see it: its human resource expliotation. The companies don't even have to provide benefits to the workers... NOT FAIR!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Open Sourcing
Open Sourcing
By: Wikipedia.com
Open Source
By: Wikipedia.com
Before anyone says "Hey, Open Source is way different from Open Sourcing!" and I get a flood of complaints, its important to know what something is. In any form. Noun, Verb or Adjective. Open Source is when a programing code is made openly available to the public. Meaning EVERYONE can use it. Examples would be: Mozila Firefox and Netscape Browser. An Open Source License allows the one with the license to EDIT and REDISTRIBUTE the code in question. By 'one' I mean a company or an individual. What most people don't know is that with a license you don't have to repay the origonal author(s). If the Source Code is made avaiable to the public domain then OSI can put its Service Mark on it. That means that it is officially in the public domain and can be used by anyone. Just like the sidewalk!
By: Wikipedia.com
Open Source
By: Wikipedia.com
Before anyone says "Hey, Open Source is way different from Open Sourcing!" and I get a flood of complaints, its important to know what something is. In any form. Noun, Verb or Adjective. Open Source is when a programing code is made openly available to the public. Meaning EVERYONE can use it. Examples would be: Mozila Firefox and Netscape Browser. An Open Source License allows the one with the license to EDIT and REDISTRIBUTE the code in question. By 'one' I mean a company or an individual. What most people don't know is that with a license you don't have to repay the origonal author(s). If the Source Code is made avaiable to the public domain then OSI can put its Service Mark on it. That means that it is officially in the public domain and can be used by anyone. Just like the sidewalk!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
What Is Workflow Software?!
What Is Workflow Software
By: WiseGeek.com
Workflow Management Software
By: NextpageInc
(sighs) Funny how all the things that make our life easier- no one gives you a straight answer to what the f*** it is. Check out the results for a Google.com Search.
Anyhow, Workflow Software. (sighs) The articles that I read ( the ones above) gave me slight headache or maybe its just my chemestry homework... In short terms Workflow Software is a program that does something that makes anything that we do, easier and consequently faster. If I had Software like that that would do my chemestry homework FOR me, I might have a little less of a headache right now. But I guess I'll take a bit of Tylenol and finish it later. its the stuff that sends Spam mail to the trash in your e-mail account. They also create PDF Files. Thus the reason they're so important to the funtion and speed of the modern computers. Wait. Why are PDF Files sooo important? (if you went to the site I linked you'd have your answer and if you already did sorry for reviewing) They make it so you can share files even if someone uses different software.
By: WiseGeek.com
Workflow Management Software
By: NextpageInc
(sighs) Funny how all the things that make our life easier- no one gives you a straight answer to what the f*** it is. Check out the results for a Google.com Search.
Anyhow, Workflow Software. (sighs) The articles that I read ( the ones above) gave me slight headache or maybe its just my chemestry homework... In short terms Workflow Software is a program that does something that makes anything that we do, easier and consequently faster. If I had Software like that that would do my chemestry homework FOR me, I might have a little less of a headache right now. But I guess I'll take a bit of Tylenol and finish it later. its the stuff that sends Spam mail to the trash in your e-mail account. They also create PDF Files. Thus the reason they're so important to the funtion and speed of the modern computers. Wait. Why are PDF Files sooo important? (if you went to the site I linked you'd have your answer and if you already did sorry for reviewing) They make it so you can share files even if someone uses different software.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Netscape IPO
By; Wikipedia.com
A Beautiful Attitude
By; Quentin Hardy
First what's an IPO? To answer it: an IPO is an Inial Public Offering. Hence the acronym IPO. This is the first move that most young companies make to expand and get the capital they desire to put their plans into action. Although its not limmited to JUST small companies; some private owned buisnesses use IPo's too.
Netscape was "born at the dawn of the computer age." Precisely on April 4, 1994. The founders, Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark, released Mosaic Netscape 0.9 on October 13, 1994. They took on the name Netscape Navigator on November 14, 1994. And their first year was rather sucessful.
In 2003 however the Netscape group was disbanded. Everything that they had worked for was gone. But the Netscape Browser 7.0 was released the year after, on August 18, 2004.Their most recent version is 8.o
By; Wikipedia.com
A Beautiful Attitude
By; Quentin Hardy
First what's an IPO? To answer it: an IPO is an Inial Public Offering. Hence the acronym IPO. This is the first move that most young companies make to expand and get the capital they desire to put their plans into action. Although its not limmited to JUST small companies; some private owned buisnesses use IPo's too.

Netscape was "born at the dawn of the computer age." Precisely on April 4, 1994. The founders, Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark, released Mosaic Netscape 0.9 on October 13, 1994. They took on the name Netscape Navigator on November 14, 1994. And their first year was rather sucessful.
In 2003 however the Netscape group was disbanded. Everything that they had worked for was gone. But the Netscape Browser 7.0 was released the year after, on August 18, 2004.Their most recent version is 8.o
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Fall of the Berlin Wall (Revisited)

The Berlin Wall
by: Wikipedia.com
The Berlin Wall was part of the border that was proposed to prevent the mass exodus
to Western Germany. The residents of Eastern Germany were on a soviet-style planned economy(were the government controls the distribution of the profits) which made them eccedingly wealthy, but there freedoms were stripped. That's why they would go to Western Germany- for thier freedoms.
On April 1, 1952 East German leaders met with Stalin in Moscow, Russia to disscuss wether to teat the line between Eatern and Western Germany "a border and a Dangerous one at that."
The construction began in 1961. August 12, 1961 to be exact.
The wall was 96 miles long. The first one was made of barbed wire and rocks. The second one which is famous for falling was made of over 45,000 types of concrete.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Fall of the Berlin Wall

Fall Of The Berlin Wall 1989
By Fredrick ramm
Berlin Wall
By WikiPedia.com
This wall divided Germany for 28 years. It fell in1989. That made the whole day-to-day life for the German citizens difficult considering they had curfews proir to the wall being demolished. Many of the Jewish people that died's friends felt bitter resentment and love for the Americans and the allies that destroyed the wall. Sadly some redients who were not part of the German Nazi forces resited liberation. The heroes who aided the engineers that tore down the wall are all dead or ancient.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Sudan Admits Darfur Attack but Says That UN is to Blame
Sudna admits darfur attack but blames UN
By: AFP.Google.com
Hopefully we all know what's going on in Darfur.
Green Day has made a CD to assist those in Darfur. So what's the government doing??! Yeah volunteers are going over there to help the citzens not involved in the war that's destroying their country, but what's Bush's Fat self doing about it? Well the news cites on Google say he's doing a lot. I don't think so. It would be all over the news of which I watch all the time. There has to be something I'm missing. maybe i'm being too critical of him... Anyways the situation in Darfur is getting worse. despite the saint like volunteers that try to make a difference in the lives of Darfurians affected by the war. It gets sader when you here that kids are dying straight out of their mothers... From malnoutrition... Why isn't Bush doing something?!?!?!
By: AFP.Google.com
Hopefully we all know what's going on in Darfur.
Green Day has made a CD to assist those in Darfur. So what's the government doing??! Yeah volunteers are going over there to help the citzens not involved in the war that's destroying their country, but what's Bush's Fat self doing about it? Well the news cites on Google say he's doing a lot. I don't think so. It would be all over the news of which I watch all the time. There has to be something I'm missing. maybe i'm being too critical of him... Anyways the situation in Darfur is getting worse. despite the saint like volunteers that try to make a difference in the lives of Darfurians affected by the war. It gets sader when you here that kids are dying straight out of their mothers... From malnoutrition... Why isn't Bush doing something?!?!?!
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