Two Million Minutes- The Documentry
By: 2mminutes.com
Regardless of nationality, as soon as a student completes the 8th grade, the clock starts ticking. from that moment the student has approxamatly... two million minutes until high school grauation. The whole idea that that is the amount of time until I graduate is slightly scary. I've already messed up about a thousand of those minutes. However if I work hard then I should be fine. My only worry is how I'm going to get the attention of a good football and academic school, like USC, then life should be easier for me later on in life. that's what everyone wants- an easy life. Unfortunatly not all of us are given equal oppertunites. Like the kids in Africa they have to fight a day to day war to live. No one in the United States know what that must be like. Including myself- I have had hardships- but none stack up to that! Much respect to the kids in Africa.